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Yamu Botanicals

African Wormwood

This full spectrum tincture is the essential item for any natural medicine cabinet - the Swiss army knife of medicines.

Artemisia afra or African Wormwood is a master healer in areas of gut and respiratory health. Take a few drops at the first feeling of stomach discomfort or the onset of a cold or flu. This product carries the same extra precaution as the fresh herb addressing the presence of thujone can cause toxicity when used for a long period of time. The recommended dose of 3-5 drops twice daily for adults should not be exceeded. The taste profile of this tincture is bitter.

Our herbal extractions are all made with organic ethanol and extracted over a 3 or 6 week period with a 5:1 plant to liquid ratio. Tinctures are used to address more acute conditions immediately. The alcohol allows for quick absorption into the body and high botanical concentration causes an immediate reaction. The herbs we use are from the same high quality, fresh and chemical-free plants grown under the sun to support your healing process.

This product contains alcohol, keep out of the reach of children and do not administer to animals.

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